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9 Best Turn-based Tactic Games To Blow-Off Your Brains!

9 Best Turn-based Tactic Games To Blow-Off Your Brains!


Turn-based tactic games are fun-to-play games, especially with your friends and cousins. That suppressed devilish smile, lingering for minutes waiting for your turn after watching them playing the wrong move—ah! That’s something to feel nostalgic about. And one of the reasons for this sentimentality is that turn-based tactic games are now slowly dying.



Let’s hop into some of the best turn-based tactic games of the world that every Gamer and all Gen-Zs must play at least once in their life!



1. What are Turn-based tactic games?

      Turn-based tactic games are the subgenre of strategy games.

      These are war games that model military conflict at a tactical level.

      The gameplay is to complete tasks using only the military tactics and operations.




      The XCOM series is a turn-based tactics, science-fiction based game.

      Developed by Mythos games in 1991.

      The XCOM series has 12+ game parts.

      Game Plot: A military organization trying to fight an alien has lost the war. Now Aliens are trying to capture the Earth.

      Platform: Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, OS X, Android, iOS and Linux.



3. Darkest Dungeon

      Darkest Dungeon is a role-playing, turn-based tactics game.

      Developed by Red Hook Studios.

      Game Plot: The player has to select a four hero roster for the exploration of Dungeon dark-side. Fight the creatures to save the city.

      Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Android, PlayStation 4, Linux, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One.



4. Wargroove

      Rated one of the best turn-based tactic games, you can create your own map in this one (one of the best features of this game).

      Developed by Chucklefish on February 1, 2019.

      In Wargroove, you play as a commander who explores the map and fights with the antagonist.

      Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Xbox One.



5. Into the breach

      One of the best turn-based tactic games with a soothing music track.

      Into the breach won’t let you feel bored.

      Game Plot: It is based on the future where humanity fights against an army of giant monsters called the Vek

      Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS.



6. Mutant year Zero: Road to Eden

      Developed by The Bearded Ladies on December 4, 2018.

      Game Plot: Players control the three players with different skills and abilities named Selma, Bormin, Dux.

      You have to survive the outbreak and help to defeat the enemies.

      Platform: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One



7. Gear Tactics

      Gear Tactics is an intense turn-based tactic game.

      Developed in collaboration with Splash Damage and The Coalition.

      Game Plot: It is based on the new squad led by Kait Diaz’s father. His mission is to assassinate the Locust scientist, Ukkon, making genetically engineered monsters.

      Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One.



8. Phantom Brigade

      It is the latest addition to the turn-based tactic games.

      Developed by Brace Yourself Games; released on November 16, 2020.

      Game Plot: The game is more focused on in-depth customization and player-driven stories. You can predict what’s going to be like in the future.

      Platforms: Windows



9. Invincible Inc.

      Invincible Inc. is a mixture of roguelike and turn-based tactics game.

      Developed by Klei Entertainment; released on May 12, 2015.

      Game Plot: You play an agent who has to spy over the megacorporations that have overthrown the world’s national governments and taken control.

      Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Linux, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One.



Remember, (not giving up on) good tactics can save even the worst strategies. So, get along with your friends and revive the turn-based tactic games!

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