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African Penguin: Pingus of the Desert Continent

African Penguin: Pingus of the Desert Continent

“African Penguin,” might have surprised you. This is because the icy climates of animated Pingu made us believe that penguins are only found in ice-capped regions. However, that is not true! The biggest desert of the world, the Sahara, has the cousin of Pingu.

1. Species of Penguin, also known as the Cape Penguin or South African Penguin, African Penguins are confined to the walls of Africa. Their scientific name is Spheniscus demersus.

2. Like all other species of Penguins, it is flightless. It also has a streamlined body and flippers suitable for a water-based habitat.

  1. Its most distinctive features are the pink patches of skin above the eyes and the black beak. Penguins usually have orange beaks.
  1. Those pink patches of skin are, in fact, glands that help the Penguin with thermoregulation (ability to maintain body temp). Blood is sent to these to be cooled by the air.
  1. It comes under the category of “pursuit diver”. Fishes and squids are their prime sources of nutrition. 
  1. According to the International Union of Conservation of Nature Red List, African Penguins are endangered animals. Their numbers have dwindled due to several reasons.
  1. A charismatic species, African Penguins, are popular with tourists. One can easily find them in African Zoos and Sanctuaries.

8. It produces a shrill, donkey-like braying sound, which has earned it several other names: Black-Footed Penguin and Jackass Penguin.

  1. They can only be found in South Africa, Namibia, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Mozambique. 

The adventures of the clumsy Pingu do bring back memories. That show is an almost accurate representation of these birds. They indeed are clumsy. Probably that’s the reason why they’re so endangered today!

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Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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