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Alder Is What You Might Be Sitting Or Sleeping On!

Alder Is What You Might Be Sitting Or Sleeping On!


Alder is a plant that most of us see around us daily, without even realizing its Alder. Read on to know how this imposter is sitting inside your living space for years!

1. Alnus glutinosa, more dominantly known by its common name, Alder, is a genus of flowering plants. Alder comprises nearly 35 species of trees and shrubs. Say Hi to Alder and Family guys!

2. Alder is found almost all over continental Europe, UK, and Ireland. Its natural habitat is moist ground. It is usually living near rivers, ponds, and lakes. Alder is choosy, eh?

3. Alder flourishes mainly in cool and damp areas like marshes, streams, and wet woodlands. Its roots aid in countering soil erosion. Good ‘plant’, Alder

arshes, streams, and wet woodlands

via wikipedia

4. A minimalist, this plant can grow in soils that lack nutrition and where not many trees can grow. Champ Alder!

minimalist tree

via trendsmap

5. The commonly known types of Alders: Black Alder, Green Alder, Gray Alder, Hazel Alder, Italian Alder, Red Alder, Seaside Alder, and White Alder. Are you reminded of a chameleon too??

Champ Alder

via ec.europa

6. Alder Trees are a good source of timber, veneers, pulp, and plywood. Their fine-textured and durable wood is used to make furniture, doors, cabinetry, and many other wood products. Aww, Resourceful Alder.

7. It has been reported that Alder can irritate eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. But no severe reactions were reported due to Alder. Notorious Alder.

8. Alder is highly efficient since it improves the soil fertility of the soil in which it is planted. Thanks to its nitrogen fixation ability. Alder got skills, right?

9. Alder Wood is soft and porous and is durable only if it is kept wet. The alder wood does not rot in water. This is why it is used for making boats and water pipes. Alder’s got superpowers!

See Also

Alder Wood

via twitter

10. According to some old sayings, Alder leaves provide cooling to the feet and prevent swelling if placed in the shoes before a long journey. Dayalu Alder.

11. Some alders in the UK got infected by Phytophthora, a type of fungus. A hybrid strain of Phytophthora caused rotting of the root of alders and stem lesions. “Survival gotta’ Alder. Sorry.”

So, these were the many sides of the Alder Plant. Hey, next time you buy any furniture, try and get the one made from Alder. Enjoy your soft drinks while chilling on wooden furniture without worrying about your maa shouting, “coaster rakhle! gir gaya toh lakdi phooool jayegi!”

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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