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The Astrophysical Journal: Incredible combination!

The Astrophysical Journal: Incredible combination!

astrophysical journal

Guess what would happen if physics and astronomy came together? Something incredible, right?! It is as incredible as our own India. Astrophysics is the science of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulas, and other objects in the universe that uses the laws of physics to explain their birth, lives, and deaths. We present to you the Astrophysical journal! Keep scrolling to know more!

1) The Journal has been abbreviated as ApJ. 

2) The journal was founded in 1895 by American astronomers George Ellery Hale and James Edward Keeler as a peer-reviewed scientific journal of astrophysics and astronomy.

3) In 2015, the journal ceased to have a print edition and switched exclusively to electronic publication.

4) Since 1953, longer articles have been published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ApJS). The publications are meant to supplement the content of The Astrophysical Journal.

5) Five volumes are published per year, each of which has two 280-page issues.

6) Since 1967, Part 2 of The Astrophysical Journal (ApJS) has been The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL) by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. 

7) The three journals were published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society until IOP Publishing took over in January 2009.

8) The journal was intended to fill a gap between journals in astronomy and physics. This journal will publish articles on astronomical applications of spectroscopy, research closely aligned with astronomical physics, such as wavelength determinations of metallic and gaseous spectra, experiments on radiation, emission, and absorption, and instrumentation for telescopes and laboratories.

This journal is where the contributions of Sheldon Cooper and Raj could come together. Of course, Sheldon Cooper first alphabetical order, you know! Comment down below for any questions you have regarding the astrophysical journal!

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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