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Avadhuta Avatar: To Crush The Arrogance Of Indra

Avadhuta Avatar: To Crush The Arrogance Of Indra

Sarthak Mittal

According to the Hindu Scriptures, Lord Shiva took the Avadhuta Avatar to kill the arrogance of Indra Deva.

Find more about this incarnation of Lord Shiva in this blog:

1. One day Indra along with all other devas went to Kailash Mountain to take the blessings from Lord Shiva.

2. Lord Shiva, taking the avatar of Avadhuta, took the test of Indra.

3. Lord Shiva, as Avadhut, stopped Indra on His way to Kailash.

4. Indra, rudely, asks the identity of Avadhuta but Avadhuta doesn’t reply.

5. Indra gets angry about this as he was in pride of his position as Devaraj (leader of all Devas).

6. Avadhuta observes that Devraj behaved in the same way with everyone.

7. Angry Indra raised his Vajra to attack Avadhut but was not able to move his hand as it was stuck.

8. After this, Brahsapati Deva recognized Lord Shiva. He stopped and convinced Indra from taking such an action.

9. Indra’s pride was finally crushed. Devtas started pleasing Lord Shiva, who then blessed each one of them.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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