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BABY’S ECZEMA – A common condition of skin

BABY’S ECZEMA – A common condition of skin


Bache toh sabko pasand hai, aww how cute!!! –as long as they are someone else’s and you can hand them back when they start crying or throwing tantrums, ain’t it? HAHA!! No, babies are the best, but babies have some very common issues that always seem to give parents sleepless nights. One such issue is the Baby’s Eczema.

Let’s decode this problem and try to bring little relief to our so-scared parents.

1. Baby’s skin can develop crusty, flaky patches of eczema during the first few months of life. The condition is common and treatable although many babies outgrow it.

2. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you are unsure about the exact situation.

3. The appearance of eczema in babies is not the same for every baby. It usually appears as patches of red skin on babies with light skin. Darker-skinned babies might see a purplish, brownish or grey rash. Baby eczema is harder to see on darker skin.

4. The Ceramides are waxy lipid molecules. When the body makes too few ceramides, it causes eczema. Skin loses water if there aren’t enough of them and become dry.

5. The condition may run in families. A baby is more likely to get eczema if a parent has it.

6. Biological barrier i.e. if the skin is compromised, it allows bacteria to make their way in that could also be to blame.

7. Home Treatment 

8. Eczema rash sometimes develops an infection on top of it. In case you see any yellow crusts, scabs, blisters, or pus bumps, call your doctor immediately.

9. To help your baby with eczema, you should look for things in their environment that seem to trigger flare-ups or make them worse.

So if you find these mischievous patches on your baby, don’t panic. Take in use the information given in the blog. Do share in the comments if ever you have experienced such a thing happening to your baby. 

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