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Bamboos Are More Than Just RTE For Pandas

Bamboos Are More Than Just RTE For Pandas


Strength, prosperity, faith, resilience: such are the words often associated with Bamboos. It is said that India is the second-largest grower of Bamboo after China. Hence in 2017, it passed a law stating that Bamboos are no longer trees but grass (easy to cut and transport). This was after striving for the law passed by Indian Forest Act, 1927.

Interestingly, the more we research about Bamboos, the more they amaze us with their versatility!

  1. Bamboos are safe to eat
  • Bamboos are healthy plants for both humans and animals.
  • These are growth ka raaz for pandas. To meet their energy and diet needs, they must eat leaves and stems of the bamboo grass daily.
  • The shoots of the grass are rich in fibre.
  1. Bamboo works as an antibacterial plant
  • The paste of bamboo leaves has the healing power for your wounds.
  • The bamboo-made clothes almost kill bacteria in 24 hours.
an antibacterial plant
  1. Growing Temperature 
  • Bamboos outshine in sunny and warm areas.
  • Throughout the year, they need a temperate climate to grow.
  • Their survival is difficult in freezing areas.
Bamboo Growing Temperature
  1. Bamboo as gift
  • Chinese culture believes that gifting a bamboo plant symbolises a fortune in life. It is also associated with wealth, happiness, and longevity.
  • A gentle reminder: face the plant in the east direction and pot it in a transparent container.
  1. Guinness World Record
  • In China, the bamboos hold the Guinness World Record for becoming the fastest-growing 91 cm each day.
bamboo World Record
  1. Strong Bamboos
  • Bamboos are considered to be sturdy plants.
  • China uses the plant in the construction of buildings. They are also used to make bicycle frames.
bamboo bicycle frames
  1. Some caring tips for Bamboo Grass
  • Watering the deep roots of bamboo plants is very important for their survival.
  • Put a barrier to control the growth of the Bamboo.
  • Take care of the right amount of oil needed at the time of planting Bamboo.
  • Choose the location for growing the plant that has complete access to sun rays falling onto the area.
Watering Bamboos

Bamboos are easy-to-grow plants with many beneficial things that are linked to your life! So, gift ’em more often!

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