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Before You Bathe A Newborn Baby, Remember These Things!

Before You Bathe A Newborn Baby, Remember These Things!

bathe a newborn baby

Dear mommy, before you bathe a newborn baby, humming, “rub-rub in dub-dub, little gal in the tab-tab,” remember these few things:

1. HOW To Bathe A Newborn Baby?

  • Bathing a baby 2-3 times a week is sufficient to keep your newborn clean and safe from germs.
  • Bathing more than 2-3 times a week can dry the skin.
  • Approximately 5-10 minutes is sufficient to bathe a newborn baby.

2. WHEN To Bathe A Newborn Baby?

  • You can give a bath to your baby at any time of the day.
  • If bathing relaxes your baby, you can apply it as a way to improve your baby’s sleep in the evening.

3. WHERE To Bathe A Newborn Baby?

  • You can bathe your baby in a little plastic tub or even in the kitchen tub.
baby in tub

via babydam

  • Put the bathtub somewhere in a stable position so that you can comfortably hold your baby.
  • It is okay to take a shower along with your baby. Remember to check the temperature and set it according to the newborn.
shower with baby

via healthline

  • It is crucial to keep all the bathing baby products at a hand’s distance, as you might not even blink an eye when bathing your newborn (they are so tender).
  • Avoid using too much soap as it can dry the skin of your baby. 
baby eyes

via mom365

  • Also, do not add extra water or keep your baby in the water for long hours.

Now, you are all ready to sing, “Splish-splish, splash-splash, let me take the newbie to bath!!”


All babies are different. It is necessary and always advisable to consult a professional and trusted doctor. This is especially in case you have questions or doubts. (or any other concerns like, say, a sudden change in your baby’s appearance or behaviour).

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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