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Bhairav: The Sixth Avatar of Lord Shiva

Bhairav: The Sixth Avatar of Lord Shiva

Sarthak Mittal

Bhairav was the sixth avatar of Lord Shiva and here’s the story behind it.

1. According to the Puranas, the incarnation of Shiva as Bhirav happened when Lord Brahma and Vishnu fought over superiority.

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2. The incident was that Lord Brahma lied in front of Lord Shiva that he was the Supreme one.

3. Shiva, taking the form of Bhairav, cut-off the fifth head of Lord Brahma.


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4. But Shiva soon felt guilty as he killed a Brahma.

Lord Shiva

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5. In more specific terms, Shiva brought into action a punishable act of Brāhmanahatya (the act of killing a Brahmin).

6. Thus, for 12-years, Shiva roamed around the world with the fifth head of Brahma with him.

7. In the form of the frightful Bhairav, Shiva guarded each of the Shakti Peethas.

This is also the reason behind each Shakti Peeth Temple being accompanied by the temple dedicated to Bhairav.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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