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Bhikshu Varya, An Avatar To Protect Human Beings In All Situations

Bhikshu Varya, An Avatar To Protect Human Beings In All Situations

Sarthak Mittal
Bhikshu Varya

Bhikshu Varya was another avatar of Lord Shiva. It was taken for the protection of all human beings in all situations.

1. According to Puranas, there was a person named Satyarath who ruled over Vidarbha.

2. He was attacked and killed by a neighbouring King in the battle.

3. His wife somehow managed to save her life by hiding in a forest, but the queen was pregnant at that time.

pregnant lady

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4. She gave birth to a beautiful child near a pond.

beautiful child

via parents

5. As she grew thirsty, she went into the pond to drink the water but tragically, was attacked and killed by a crocodile.


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6. Soon, the hungry child started crying. A beggar woman nearby heard the cries.

crying baby

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7. Following the voice, she reached near the baby but was hesitant to take him in her lap.

8. After seeing this, Lord Shiva came in the form of Bhikshu Varya, advising the woman to take the orphan child in her care.

The Bhikshu Varya Avatar of Shiva thus is to protect human beings from all situations.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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