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Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Is All You Need Tonight!

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Is All You Need Tonight!

To many, Chocolate Chip Ice Cream is what it is when one desires to have a cup of Chocolate Ice Cream. That’s how it is!

Chocolate Chip naa Hua to bhala Kaun si Chocolate Ice Cream?

Keep your Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cup ready, as we read to you the story of Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

1. In the19th century, popped up as part of an English-Tea Biscuit recipe, was the idea of Chocolate Chip.

Idea of Chocolate Chip

via 1zoom

2. That Biscuit was cut into small strips, taking the shape of what we know as a “Chip” today.

Chocolate Chip

3. But, interestingly, the recipe called for more!

Powder form

4. Soon humankind blended the following ingredients into what we put in our mouth as Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

5. Condensed milk, Milk, Cocoa Powder, Brown sugar (or Regular Sugar), Cream, Chocolate chips: Semi Sweets, Sweet, and none other than our very own Chocolate Chips for Dressing!


6.Best Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Brands

  • Häagen-Dazs
  • Graeter’s
  • Talenti
  • Oberweis
  • Edy’s 
  • Amul
  • Mother Dairy

via justdial

7. Variations Of Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

  • Chocolate chip ice cream
  •  Mint chocolate chip ice cream
  • Vanilla chocolate chip ice cream
  • Salted caramel chocolate chip ice cream
  • Coconut chocolate chip ice cream
  • Coffee chocolate chip ice cream
  • Hazelnut chocolate chip ice cream
Vanilla chocolate chip ice cream

via pinterest

8. Taste

Icy heaven with a creamy texture and a balanced taste of sweet and better.

Chocolate Choco Chip Ice Cream

9. Availability

Chocolate chip ice cream is sold in several parts of India and the world, including restaurants, cafes, diners, supermarkets, grocery stores, ice cream parlours, etc.

Choco Chip Ice Cream and other products

The cherry on the cake is cliche. The 21st century demands choco chips on ice cream.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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