Modern Computer: Story of Development of Digital Electronic Computers
Young and passionate 'Dilliwali' Editor&Writer, Ritika Gupta aims to work…
A machine which runs on the programs (made of arithmetic sequences) and can perform a set of operations by itself through computer programming can be defined as a computers.
There is a long debate on what & who made the first computer in the world? Thus, not going into that, in this blog, we will focus on the most relatable ones, the modern-day computers.
Know What are Modern Computers?
1. In late 1936, Alan Turing wrote a paper, On computable numbers with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem, making an algorithm and foundation of the modern computers. With his “Universal Computing Machine”, he proved that it is possible to compute through a programmed set of instructions.
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2. Initially, with concepts of Turing at the centre, the development of such computing machines was made possible but had a fixed program.
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3. A Stored-Program Computers were developed to fix the “fixed program” hindrance. This type of computer was based on a program (consisting of a set of instructions). It then can be stored inside the memory. This was also in the paper of Turing, who began working on an Electronic Calculator in 1945.
4. In 1946, J Presper Eckert, along with John W Maunchly, developed the first programmed electronic computer for general digital purposes. It was named ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer).
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5. J Lyons & Company, in late 1947, made a decision to promote computer development commercially. This steadily led to the making of fully operational LEO I which became the first everyday routine office computer of the world in 1951.
6. The first stored programme computer was developed by EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) introduced in 1952.
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7. MOS-Transistor or MOSFET (Metal–Oxide–Silicon Field-Effect Transistor) was developed in 1959 by Mohamed M. Atalla and Dawon Kahng. This was the first genuinely compact transistor which could be used effectively. It became an integral part of any digital product.
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8. Integrated Circuits (that associated all the connecting wires inside a single mini electronic circuit) were created by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby, but separately. Kilby took the patent in 1958 and later on the companies of both the inventors collaborated.
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9. Noyce founded Intel later, developing a computer microprocessor, with the help of the inventor/employee of Intel, Marcian Hoff. Hoff invented the microchip which was first marketed in 1971.
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10. And finally, slowly and steadily, in 1976, the first personal computer, Apple-1 came into existence, developed by Apple.
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11. Further, in the 2000s, portable computers began to dominate the computer markets around the world, with the continuous miniaturization of Computer Parts.
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Woah! Who could have thought there is so much history behind these regularly used gizmos of today!
Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta
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Young and passionate 'Dilliwali' Editor&Writer, Ritika Gupta aims to work for youths and artists in India through Value Creation.