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Digital Collectible Cards Game Will Turn You Into A जुआरी

Digital Collectible Cards Game Will Turn You Into A जुआरी

When it comes to Digital Collectible Cards Game, one cannot deny looking back in time. Card Games in India can be nominated as the National Game of the country! L-O-L.


We are pretty sure that you would relate to the journey from WWE, Pokemon cards game to real-world poker if you have ever been a student of any typical Indian classroom? In India, playing card games is directly seen as gambling. Digitally You can play friendly Cards games and enjoy yourself with your friends.

  1. What are Digital Collectible Cards Games?
  • Digital Collectible Cards Game or DCCG are games inspired by the traditional cards games. 
  • Now featured in video games, DCCG is the alternative to card & board games that were once played physically.
  1. History of Digital Collectable Card Games?
  • The history of Digital Collectible Card Game can be traced down from the 1980s where card games were based on both collection-based mechanics and card-based mechanisms.
  • Players could sell, buy or transfer their cards to other players.
  1. First Digital Collectible Card Game
  • Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu is considered the head of DCCG due to its RPG and card selection game style.
  • Later in 1993, Magic: The Gathering was launched. It’s considered as the game-changer.
  1. Game Style Of Digital Collectible Card Games
  • DCCG follows the same rule as real-world card games: shuffling of the card, card CP, powers etc.
  • Some digital collectable card games have additional features like power cards, booster moves etc.
  1. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
  • Hearthstone is free to play, a digital collectable turn-based card game with over 23.5 million active players.
  • The game consists of four types of card: minions, spells, weapons, and hero cards. Players have to pick unique cards with different abilities.
  • Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS.
  1. Magic: The Gathering Online
  • Magic: The Gathering Online is an upgraded version of Magic: The Gathering, launched on June 24, 2002.
  • The player can create or join a custom room. Players have to choose their best card and challenge the opponent.
  • Platforms: Windows, Android
  1. WWE Supercard
  • The first dedicated Android/iOS game on our list, this DCCG features more than 3000 WWE superstars.
  • It has 4 modes: Wild, King of the Ring, Road to Glory and Ring Domination.
  • Platform: iOS, Android.
  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Link
  • Game with the perfect graphics, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Link is developed by Konami.
  • Players have to play as Yami Yugi while Seto Kaiba has to challenge the other players to win the challenge. 
  • Platform: Windows, Android, iOS
  1. Shadowverse
  • Shadowverse is a free-to-play DCCG developed by Cygames. 
  • There are three main types of cards: followers, amulets and spells. The players have to use the perfect card in the situation to win the online game.
  • Platform: iOS, Android, Windows

When played with physical cards with friends & families on Diwali, card games bring a kind of satisfaction unlike any other! But when it comes to DCCG, we would say try it not as a stressbuster only, as digitalization of things can often disrupt the real-time joy.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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