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Gen-Z Discovers “Do Bigha Zamin”: Start-off Point For The Indian Neorealist Movement

Gen-Z Discovers “Do Bigha Zamin”: Start-off Point For The Indian Neorealist Movement

Do Bigha Zameen

Bimal Roy’s Do Bigha Zamin (1953) opens with a scene highlighting farmers gazing upward restlessly at the sky. What comes next will leave you stunned in its relentless and sadistic storytelling.

Grasp more about this must-watch Indian Cinema’s treasured classic, which is also considered as the beginning of the Indian Neorealist Movement, below.

What’s The Story Of Do Bigha Zameen?

  • Do Bigha Zamin is about a peasant who needs to save his territories—his ‘maa’— from the zamindar (Murad) who needs to assemble an industrial building at ‘Bhoomi’ (land).
  • The movie is based on the thematic debt of a never-ending trap. 
  • Proposed with a court petition to pay the zamindar Rs 235, Shambhu (Balraj Sahni) moves to Calcutta (presently Kolkata) to acquire, regardless of having a pregnant spouse, Paro (Nirupa Roy), an unstable dad and a small child, Kanhaiya (Rattan Kumar)
  • In Calcutta, he needs to deal with the coldness of the large city. Having experienced plenty of little torments, Shambhu takes up the work of a cart-puller. 
  • The city of joy hasn’t been warm with Shambhu. The movie deals with little miseries throughout the film.
Do Bigha Zameen

via fullyfilmy

The Characters In Do Bigha Zameen

  • Balraj Sahni is the smooth man from BBC London’s Hindi Service. He wears formal western outfits and knows Angrezi (he had a Master’s certificate in English Literature) and Hindi.
  • Some scenes–when Paro goes to Meena Kumari for composing a letter or when Nirupa Roy whines to Balraj Sahni (that he doesn’t cherish her)–are contacting scenes.
  • One of the different marvels is the boot clean child Laloo. He showed a brilliant piece of going about as the well-disposed ally to Kanhaiya (Rattan Kumar).
  • Nirupa Roy as the spouse of the worker Balraj Sahani, Balraj Sahani himself and Rattan Kumar–all played their parts quite well. 
  • Lastly, Rajalakshmi Devi in the role of Bustee proprietor!! What can be more reasonable than that?
Balraj Sahni film

The Direction Of Do Bigha Zameen

  • Roy purposely offsets the image of hopelessness (rustic and metropolitan) with instances of endurance of the helpless aiding poor people (regardless of whether fair & square of the grown-ups or the road’s young men).
  • Maybe the most regular piece of Roy’s film–and something that owes nothing to De Sica–is his depiction of children living on roads of Calcutta (which strangely prefigures, quite later, Mira Nair’s Salaam Bombay)!
  • Rather than being confined buddies, like in the De Sica films, Roy would portray 2 various parts of city life. This layering of the story is maybe Roy’s highest accomplishment.
Bimal Roy

via cinestaan

 Facts That You Must Know About Do Bigha Zameen

  • The first-ever Filmfare for best film was awarded to Do Bigha Zameen in 1954. 
  • The climax of the film was changed as Roy thought the ending was regressive and inhumane. 
  • It was also the first Indian film to be awarded in Cannes International after “Neeche Nagar”.
Do Bigha Zameen 1953

via amarujala

The story portrays dry homesteads that receive after a long-lasting wait, rain–it feels like the scenario of today, right? Do watch this movie to understand better!

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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