Surging Strictness Towards Drunk Driving Laws In India Is Why You Shouldn’t Drive After Pawri

Hi I am an aspiring lawyer, who loves to write…
Rising prosperity in India is triggering more drunk driving incidents, leading to the strictness towards drunk driving laws in India. According to the Motor Vehicle Act, drunk driving (DUI) is a criminal offence in India.
Drunk Driving Laws In India: Legal Age Of Drinking
- In India, anywhere between 18 to 25 is identified as the legal drinking age. Though, certain states are absolutely barred from drinking alcohol.
- States such as Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and others have 18-years as the legal age for drinking.

via metadornetwork
- States like Delhi, Haryana and others consider 25 as the legal age for drinking.
- 21 is often considered as the age for beginning safe alcohol.

via indianexpress
Drunk Driving Laws In India: Alcohol Limit
- If one has alcohol more than 30 mg/100 ml of blood measured by a breath analyser in their blood is deemed as intoxicated (and obviously, driving).
- The same is true with any person affected by any substance in such a way that they become incapable of operating the vehicle properly.

via ipleaders
Drunk Driving Laws In India: Punishments
- In the Motor Vehicles Act (1988), Section 185 currently constitutes that driving with influence is also a criminal offence in India.
- According to the Motor Vehicles Act, the first offence of driving by an intoxicated person or a person influenced by drugs is 6-6-months imprisonment or a fine of up to Rs 2000Rs 2000.

via timesofindia
- The second or subsequent offence shall be punishable by imprisonment for up to 2-years or by a penalty of Rs 3000 (if done within three years of equivalent offence).
- All the above punishments are mentioned in Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act (1988).

via timesofindia
Drunk Driving Laws In India: Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill 2016
- Recently obtained by the Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the 2016 Motor Vehicle Bill (Amendment) was approved.
- The amendment draught legislation attempts to improve public safety and guarantees that fines and sentences are raised for drunk driving.
- The 2016 bill for drunk driving has raised the penalty from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 10,000 under the motor vehicles reform.

via thetribune
In some cases, as per the drunk driving laws in India, both penalty and imprisonment are levied—toh agar pawri ho rahi hai, toh piye par drive, cold-drink peene waalo ko karne de. Westernisation ki aad mein padhe-likhe gawar naa bane!
Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta
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Hi I am an aspiring lawyer, who loves to write about social issues and topics that personally interest me.