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What Are Fashion Weeks? Who Discovered Them And Why?

What Are Fashion Weeks? Who Discovered Them And Why?

Fashion Weeks

Fashion Weeks are one of those fashion events that every designer, model and everyone associated with this industry, loves to take part in and explore their kind of space. But what are fashion week?

1. Fashion Weeks are the fashion industry events, lasting approximately one week. In that week fashion designers, brands and houses display their latest collections on the runway.

Fashion Weeks

via booking

2. These are attended by iconic fashion designers like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Christian Dior, Saint Laurent and celebrities like Lady Gaga, Beyonce Knowles who get invited.

fashion designers

via vogue

3. First-ever fashion week in history was held in New York in 1943 and was named as Press week. The fashion week was a success. As a result, American fashions are now recognized in magazines such as Vogue.

4. Paris fashion week, Milan fashion week, London fashion week, New York fashion week are some top listed fashion week in the fashion industry.

fashion industry.

via complex

5. Some of the fashion week occur bi-annually in February and in September for the display of the latest summer and winter collection.

6. About 40 fashion weeks are held in different cities around the world year after year.

fashion weeks, ramp walk

via ozy

7. Each festival has more than 100 events, including runway shows, charity events, gala dinners and accessory showcases.

100 events

via 500pxblog

If you are a fashion designer, then you must explore all about the fashion week events! How many fashion weeks are you planning to become part of next?

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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