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Fire Engines: A Life-Saving Machine

Fire Engines: A Life-Saving Machine

Fire engine

A pump, a water tank, and hundreds to thousands of feet of powerful hoses are typically seen on fire engines. The water tank holds hundreds of gallons of water and acts as a water supply for firefighters until they can connect to a fire hydrant (or another external water source)

With up to 605 horsepower and 2050 lb-ft of torque, the X15 engine is the most powerful of the fire department.

According to experts and an analysis of the most recent available data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), India had 49 reported deaths due to fire accidents every day in 2019.


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The highest is in residential areas but buildings often do not follow fire safety standards, making them vulnerable to fires.

Fire Rescue team

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In 1743, Thomas Lote created the first fire engine in America. The water was supplied by a bucket brigade who dumped it into a tub with a fixed intake pipe for the turbine.

First fire engine

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Because they were manually (hand) operated and the water was supplied by a bucket brigade emptying it into a tub, these early engines were known as hand tubs.

In India, the first fire engine was invented in 1803 in Bombay, Calcutta(1822), Srinagar(1893), Delhi(1896), Madras(1908), Bangalore(1942).

Indian fire engine

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Some people claim that fire vehicles used to have red to match the color of early automobiles. With so many black cars on the road, fire departments appear to have wanted the trucks to stand out.

Fire safety

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The other reason may have been that red was the most expensive color at the time, so fire services wanted to use red trucks. However, according to science, certain hues can wreak havoc on a person’s vision.

Red fire engine

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Fire safety management is a well-paid profession both in India and abroad. Preliminary salaries in India range from Rs 15,000 to 20,000 per month. It ranges from Rs 65,000 to Rs 80,000 per month outside of India.

Fire department

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