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For Ice Cream Cake Do I Scream

For Ice Cream Cake Do I Scream


Why settle for only cake when you can have ice cream cake? Yes, we have all been eating baked cake for years, and I guess now our taste buds want something extra yummy and unique. So here we have an ice cream cake. It is not baked, but with flavour, ice cream is moulded to different shapes and layers along with sponge cake, making a pathway to soothe your soul. Here are some more yummy facts to know about it:


1.    Ice cream cakes were mainly discovered in the Victorian Era. Here these were known as Bombes, made out of biscuits and ice cream. But now the biscuit is replaced by sponge cake and turned out to be an ice cream cake.


2.    Ice cream cake is not just tasty and has more benefits than any other cake. Due to the presence of ice cream, it consists of vitamin A, B-6, B-12, C and D. But it doesn’t mean it becomes your breakfast, keep a check on your sugar level.


3.    Ice cream cake is a real OG that can handle all your mood swings better than your boyfriend. It stimulates your energy level and settles down all your cravings.


4.    Ice cream cake comes in different flavours. You can choose your favourite flavour and then customise it according to your taste preference. A perfect yummy birthday gift, as no one can say no to cake.


5.    The price range of ice cream varies according to the flavours you choose for your cake. But, good things are precious! So, it is quite expensive than a baked cake, “par sawad ke liye itni keemat toh chukani padegi.”


6.    Ice cream cake is not usually liked in Europe. But nowadays, Asian Countries are opening doors gradually for such new taste experiences. It is in high demand due to the ultimate combination of ice cream and cake.

7.    In India, Giani and Havmor are creating the best ice cream cakes according to the taste and preferences of Indians. They have established a good name in the Ice cream cake market.



So don’t just keep your taste buds unaware of the soul-soothing taste. “Man mein laddu phoota??” Ice cream cake gives you the same feeling when you look at your crush, but the difference is you can eat it…hmm, naughty.

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