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Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Entrepreneurs Ka Report Card

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Entrepreneurs Ka Report Card

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

In simple terms, The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is survey-based research of entrepreneurship of 60 countries of the world (as of now).

1. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) was founded in the United Kingdom. The first GEM report was presented by the UK in 1999.

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

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2. The GEM UK project had an annual survey of about 30,000 people. It was widely used by various industries in the private and public sectors.


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3. GEM’s differentiating ability is, it presents data on the entrepreneurial aspect of countries. This makes its data a significant source to study and trace entrepreneurial performance globally.

  1. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor focused on three areas:
  • To estimate variations in entrepreneurial attitudes, activity, and aspiration between countries.
  • To uncover factors that underpin these differences.
  • To identify policies that may improve entrepreneurial activity.
opportunity resource plan

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  1. It collects data by two long surveys:
  • Adult Population Survey (APS)
  • National Population Survey (NES).
GEM surveys

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6. The Adult Population Survey (APS) surveys at least 2000 adults of every country that collect the entrepreneurial ambitions of the country’s population.

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

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7. The National Population Survey (NES) surveys a group of business and academic specialists of every country with a wide range of specialities for accurate measures of the country’s institutional factors.

globla entrepreneur

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8, Each report of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor issued differently than the previous year’s report with a section on the global viewpoint on entrepreneurship for the year.

GEM week

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9. By that time, the Indian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem became sturdy by the day. The GEM-India Consortium is expecting a prime role in investigating the rapidly developing nature of entrepreneurship in India.

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

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Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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