Story Behind The Fifth Head of Lord Brahma
Astrologist, Vastu consultant & Psychic
Do you know the story behind the fifth head of Lord Brahma?
1. According to the Puranas, Brahma and Vishnu were once arguing about who was Superior between the two.
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2. They both went in front of Lord Shiva for the answer. They asked Shiva about who was more powerful.
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3. Lord Shiva makes a Shivalinga, asking both the Gods to find out its beginning and the end.
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4. Vishnu was appointed to find the end whereas Brahma was asked to look for the beginning (of the Shivalinga).
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5. Lord Vishnu was not successful to find the end whereas Brahma took the form of a swan, and it began flying upwards to locate the beginning.
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6. Vishnu accepted His defeat, but Brahma cheated. Brahma made a Ketaki Flower for the witness and asked her to tell in front of Shiva that He was successful to find the beginning of Shivalinga.
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7. Brahma, coming in front of Lord Shiva, tells Him that He was successful to find the destination and that He also had a witness, the Ketaki Flower, for it. Ketaki Flower also lied in front of Lord Shiva.
8. As Shiva is known as a Supreme God, He knew about Brahma’s plot. In His anger, Shiva cut the fifth head of Lord Brahma.
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9. He cuts this Head of Brahma because it is the Egoistic Head of Brahma.
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Thus, this was the story behind the fifth head, the egoistic head of Lord Brahma.
Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta
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