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Hershey’s Syrup Is Here To Cure Your Heart-Ache!

Hershey’s Syrup Is Here To Cure Your Heart-Ache!

Hershey’s Syrup is one of the most-cherished chocolate syrup in the Indian market. It can literally turn you lalchi over it! Here’s an introduction to Hershey’s Syrup:

1. Hershey’s Syrup is one of the several Brands by The Hershey Company. These are most popularly used with Frozen Desserts and Beverages.

2. The Hershey Company, commonly known as Hershey, is an American Multinational Company. It is one of the largest chocolate corporations in the world, tracing its origins to the 1880s.

Chocolate Syrup

via copykat

3. The Hershey Chocolate Company started producing Chocolate Syrup for commercial use in 1926.

4.“Why does Hershey’s smell like poop?” Intriguing Quick Fact:

Perfumers add Hershey’s in the fancy fragrances. It is also combined with chocolates, coffees, and fruity-flavoured sweets. That does not sound bad—until you get that intense indole that smells like poop.


via boxed

  1. 3 most-loved flavours of Hershey’s Syrup are: 
  • Genuine Chocolate
  • Delicious Strawberry
  • Indulgent Caramel

Some more variants like Special Dark, Lite Syrup etc., are also available.

Hershey's Syrup and Pastry

via youtube

6. Any of these flavours would range between 170 to 200 (623g per bottle).

7. Although  Syrup is labelled as vegan, the product has its own downsides. If one looks at the ingredients, there are as many as 3 emulsifiers with many other chemicals used. So, don’t over-consume this one! ‘Ati har cheez ki buri hai.’

8. As per the Nutritional Value Label on The Hershey’s Syrup Chocolate Flavour Bottle, consuming 100g of this mouth-watering Syrup would give you 273.5kcal of energy. (Sugar: 63.60g)

  1. If you are looking to cook something Desi with Hershey’s Syrup, the company has shared many unique infusions. These include Spiced Hot Chocolate, Shrikhand with Caramel Flavour, Yum Warm Malpua and many more!

So, the next time your angel-food cake screams for chocolates, make a devilishly easy chocolate glaze and immediately pour some Hershey’s Syrup on it!

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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