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High-Intensity Interval Training: 7 Reasons To Dare Yourself With It

High-Intensity Interval Training: 7 Reasons To Dare Yourself With It

Here are some of the many benefits of Kris Gethin’s High-Intensity Interval Training Routine!

High-Intensity Interval Training helps in:

  1. Building Endurance: This develops muscle to do the heavy and fast workout that results in increasing the capacity of an individual.

2. Burning Fat And Calories Quicker: Exercises in High-Intensity Interval Training are completed within 20 or fewer minutes but with intensity, thus helping in burning the calories much faster.

3.  Boosting Metabolism: Many Institutes have said that HIIT helps in consuming more oxygen than any other workout routine. It aids in increasing your rate of metabolism from about 90 minutes to 144 minutes within a single session.

4. Saving Money: High-Intensity Interval Training is cost-efficient. All you need is some open space. This training utilizes your body weight and no other equipment at all, thus allowing your heart to rate up quickly.

5. Losing Fat; Not Muscle: Generally, steady cardio involves losing muscles. High-Intensity Interval Training Workouts effectively allows an individual to preserve their muscle-gain while still shedding-off the weight

6. Choosing Your Workout: The best part about this training is that you don’t need to repeat workouts that may become boring. You can pick any cardio routine and make it an interval workout.

7. Challenging: Love challenges? Well, congratulations then! You are at the right place. High-Intensity Interval Training workouts push you out from your comfort zone every season.

These were some of the many reasons why some of our editors love to do High-Intensity Interval Training Routine! It never allows you to feel bored and keep you healthy at the same time!


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