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History Of Fashion From 1910 To 1919

History Of Fashion From 1910 To 1919

Here’s the history of fashion from 1910 to 1919. Because, though the decade of 1910s was an era of wars, Titanic, relativity theory of Einstein, Tesla, Henry Ford, Picasso and a lot more–but–fashion was still on!

1. Chemise and split drawers have remained the first layer. Both garments were made in fine cotton decorated with lace.

Chemise in 1910

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2. Stockings were the next big thing in the fashion market. These were made by knitting cotton, but silk and wool were used too depending on the season.

3. In the teen’s era, the drawers and chemises were getting shorter and stockings longer. Thus, it is easier to clip them onto the corset.

4. The drawers were still split for convenience. Nonetheless, in this decade underwear began to undergo some dramatic changes!

History Of Fashion From 1910 To 1919

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5. The corset was next. A very different affair than Victorian corsetry indeed. Its function was to smooth the silhouette for a fashionable lean shape. It also provided a base for the suspenders.


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6. The history of fashion from 1910 to 1919 is recognised with petticoats.


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7. Since summer attire was made of semi-transparent fabric. Modesty was preserved by wearing a lightweight-petticoat.

8. Skirts were made of light cotton with cutwork lace embroidery. The jacket was in the same light-cotton with an underbodice of lace in front.


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9. The jacket-front either overlaps or falls vertically. Both styles were fashionable. A silk taffeta belt was used to keep it secured, closed at the side with hooks and bars.

A silk taffeta belt

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As the history of fashion from 1910 to 1919 faded, the era of simpler shapes and varied materials began. This became part of the history of fashion from 1920 to 1929.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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