History Of Fashion From 1960 To 1969
Myself Rohan Sharma. I love being creative and experiencing new…
History of fashion from 1960 to 1969 bloomed and progressed, amidst John F Kennedy’s assassination headlines to the arrival and breaking of the Beatles. This decade is known as a cultural decade in the history of the world.
1. The late 1960s were the exact opposite: bright, swirling colours, psychedelic, tie-dye shirts and long hair, and beards were in trend.
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2. History of fashion from 1960 to 1969 shows that the woman wore unbelievably short-skirts. Men wore tunics and capes.
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3. The women were freely wearing more skin-exposing garments than ever before. This was what the history of fashion from 1960 to 1969 mostly covers.
via newsakmi
4. Dresses in the 1960s came in all shapes, colours, and fabrics. It was a time of great experimentation.
via vintageeveryday
5. By the time the late sixties rolled around, women were seen wearing the same clothes as men.
via vintageretro
6. The pants became much tighter, which gave some sporty look to men’s fashion.
via fashionista
7. During the later years in the history of fashion from 1960 to 1969, women’s clothing became more masculine while men’s clothing became more feminine.
via kirrinfinch
This was the era of music, culture and ideas. It was the decade of shifting powers, internal political and national conflicts. It was the era of exploration in terms of the self of the world! And so the history of fashion from 1960 to 1969 was affected by the new trends.
Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta
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Myself Rohan Sharma. I love being creative and experiencing new opportunities. I enjoy every opportunity i get and i rather look forward to working smarter than working harder. Moreover , thats how i enjoy my work.