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Horse-Drawn Vehicles, An Industry Supported By Dhanno And Her Ancestors

Horse-Drawn Vehicles, An Industry Supported By Dhanno And Her Ancestors

horse-drawn vehicles

Horse-drawn vehicles have been and still are a mode of transport for people to travel. Do you ever wonder who helped Basanti to earn a living? 

It was Dhanno, the mare that pulled the carriage in which Basanti used to drop her passengers.

1. The movies have showcased the entry of many kings riding on chariots, which were pulled by horses. Horse-drawn vehicles typically had two or four wheels and were used to transport passengers and load.

Horse Drawn Vehicle

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2. Over history, various horse-pulled vehicles have been used as horses were domesticated (circa 3500 BC). Chariot racing to horsecars or trollies, all used two or more horses to pull the car to travel around the city before electric trams came into use.

Horse Drawn Vehicle

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3. There are different types of horse-drawn vehicles which were in use. Carriage, four-wheeled, passenger vehicle being most common, wagons, chariots, omnibus, and passenger coach.

4. Drivers of carts were started to be called Carmen from the 15th century. In London, these were represented by the Worshipful Company of Carmen.

Worshipful Company of Carmen.

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5. In the 13th century, the chariot evolved into a four-wheeled form. Earlier it was two-wheeled, used by Romans.

6. By the 14th century, the passenger coach form of the vehicle started to evolve. It had a rear set of wheels, larger in size than the front set. This provided a shaped body and more comfort to the passengers, making it possible to be pulled by a single horse.

horse-drawn vehicles

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7. The First Passenger Coach was used in Hungary and by the 16th century was in use throughout Western Europe. They were used (instead of heavy chariots) for state processionals and as general transport by the upper classes.

heavy chariots

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8. From the 17th century, the omnibuses were evolved to be pulled by a team of horses over long distances. Parallelly lighter vehicles were also developed for style and speed.

9. Between the 18th and 19th century a variety of carriages became common in use. Stagecoach became familiar as a means of transportation in the United States.

horse-drawn vehicles

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It is said that horse-drawn carriages have been in use for at least 3,500 years. No doubt, riding in a horse-drawn vehicle does feel royal. Doesn’t it?

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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