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Indie Games Allow An Underdog To Get In Mainstream

Indie Games Allow An Underdog To Get In Mainstream

Indie Game developer ban ne ke liye full-form nahi, spirit chahiye!” Indie game developers don’t have any hierarchy pressure. It’s always fun to play and explore Indie games. Today we will know how an entrepreneur brings his game to the mainstream.


1. Indie Games or Independent Games are designed by individual creators or small game development companies that develop a game without financial and technical support.



2. It was hard for a game developer to get the Patent for their game project. Indie games garnered popularity from the early 2000s when various gaming platforms opened, like Windows, PlayStation, Xbox, Google Play, Appstore.



3. The Internet played a crucial role in the development of indie games. As the internet started becoming mainstream, Game Development Softwares, like Adobe Flash, were available at lower prices. This software gave opportunities to the different independent developers.



4. In September 2003, after the launch of STEAM, it provided the platform to the indie games developers to present their game in front of new players and get the golden opportunity to earn AAA titles.



5. Getting a Fund for video games is one of the hardest things for indie game developers. Many game festivals like IndieCade, Trade Shows and The Indie Megabooth helps to promote indie games developers’ concepts and ideas in front of investors and the public.



6. One of the most loved games, Minecraft, started its journey as an indie game. Minecraft is one of the most successful Indie games developed by Markus Alexej, known as Notch. After the successful launch, the game was later purchased by Microsoft. It has sold over 144 million copies on all platforms.



7. Raji: An Ancient Epic is the most successful indie game from India. Developed by Nodding Heads Games and nominated for Best Debut Game in 2020, it is now available on Windows, PlayStation4, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.



8. Alongside forever successful launches of indie games, there are also lots of failed ones. Most indie game developers end with failure because of their marketing and the target audience.



9. The main reason behind the popularity of indie games is that the developer has the rights and power to develop the game according to their chosen genre. They don’t have to work under any hierarchy.



Whenever you log in to your Steam option to download the game, make sure you stalk the gaming section and try out the indie game genre! It will help an underdog developer to get to the main stage.

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