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Invention by Chance!

Invention by Chance!

The only thing I can think of after hearing Rugby is Ross screaming RED ROSS! In your life, you must have done something you are not good at to impress a girl, similar to Ross, who played Rugby to impress Emily in Friends. Thinking of Ross, you might know now what happens when you jump in to play a sport about which you have no clue. Are you aware of Rugby? Let’s slide into the details!

  1. Did you know? Rugby was invented by chance. In 1823, a student, William Webb Ellis, used his hands to pick up a ball in a soccer match and ran with it to the goal.

  2. The game of Rugby takes its name from the Rugby School, where it was played first.

  3. Rugby among women is one of the world’s fastest-growing sports. And the second most popular sport in the world.

  4. There are variations of this sport, most common being 15s Rugby which includes 15 players per team, and 7s Rugby that has seven players per team.

  5. Rugby is played with an oval ball.

  6. The first trace of Rugby in India was a scratch match played in Calcutta and Madras in 1871.

  7. The first recorded match took place on Christmas day, 1872, at the Calcutta Football Club.

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  8. It was between England and a joint team of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.

  9. Today Rugby is played in over 100 countries.

  10. Vahbiz Bharucha and Sangeeta Bera are two of the most prominent players of Rugby.

A good Rugby player requires a tremendous amount of physical and mental strength to stay ahead in the game or some become RED ROSS. Have you ever played Rugby? Let us know your thoughts about this sport in the comments. Were you aware of these facts or, did we miss anything?

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