Is drone delivery the next step of transportation of goods?

Do you also start looking out for your parcels the minute you order them? We have all been impatient waiting for the delivery man to come bearing gifts! The status of every order is tracked every minute! Let’s understand how the drone delivery system works!
1) After the order is received, it goes through the normal packaging process.
2) One additional layer of packaging is added. That is a special box designed to be carried by company drones.
3) Drone is taken to an outdoor mini rail network.
4) Once outdoors, it is ready to spin into action.
5) Drone uses GPS, Visual thermal and Sonar detectors to avoid hurdles like people, buildings, trees, wires etc.
6) 10 Delivery Drones
● Flirtey Eagles
● Flytrex
● Zipline
● Bell
● UPS M2 Drone
● DHL Parcelcopter 4.0
● Airbus “skyways”
● Prime Air Amazon
● Google (project wing)
7) Amazon’s Drone Delivery System
● In 2007 company introduced the concept of next day shipping.
● But Jeff Bezos plans to show the world how it’s done! The goal of delivery is set to 30 minutes from when the order is made!
● The last step of delivery is the most expensive one. This method will reduce it.
● In 2020 Amazon got approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to test their drone delivery system.
8) Drone delivery in India
The latest progress in this field in India is that the government has allowed more than 20 entities to carry out experimental flights of drones “beyond visual line of sight”.
Though in the case of drone delivery in India, “Dilli Abhi Durr Hain”. Do tell us what would you like to get delivered through a drone!
Are you also thinking that jin taaro me shuttle phass jaati thi unse drones kese bachenge!