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Is Toxic Parenting Actually A Thing?

Is Toxic Parenting Actually A Thing?


Some of you might disagree with the term “toxic parenting” because obviously, our parents cannot be toxic? Relationships of any kind – be it a romantic one, a sibling relationship, or a parent-child relationship – are not immune from toxicity. As a result, you would hardly know the signs that your parents are toxic.

Toxicology differs from person to person and relationship to relationship. Your parents may have been toxic to you as a child or you may be toxic to your child as a parent. Who could tell?

Who Are Toxic Parents?

Occasionally a parent will have an outburst, or they may scold a child hard or even tell them to sit in the corner chair in punishment. You could then hug the child and explain what happened. That would strengthen the bond.

It is toxic parenting when screaming, shouting, and beating up are part of everyday parenting. How do toxic parents behave? Here’s how.

  • Toxic parents are selfish, care little for their children’s emotional needs, and focus primarily on discipline rather than caring.
  • If parents view spending time with their children as doing homework, going to classes, or taking them to sports activities, then they are thinking in the wrong direction.
  • Parental toxicity is usually characterized by verbal abuse, insults and humiliations, and physical abuse as well.
toxic parenting

via: wikiHow

  • If you’re returning from school or college or tired after a long day at work, the home is not your “go-to place.” It’s dreaded.
  • Independent! Wait, what? As long as you waited for your parent’s approval, you could go out with your friends.
toxic parenting

via: Healthline

  • Since you were dependent on your parents, as explained above, you were always the underconfident kid. Everyone in your class would be willing to try things for the first time, play games that they have never played before, and much more.
toxic parenting

via: mindmoss

  • Your parents must be your priority. They would dominate all your discussions. It is understood that if their needs are met, everything will fall into place. Your parents came first, not you.
  • In that relationship, you were the mature one without harbouring any grudges. You were the one who wanted to fulfil the basic needs of the couple before complaining about how their wishes went unheard.
  • Do your parents ever sabotage your relationships with each other? You would have been so used to all the things they say and do, which you would have succumbed to so much, that they would ensure that your other relationships wouldn’t work out.
  • The same pattern always happened. It was impossible to maintain a relationship with a guy once you brought him home. Is that normal? 

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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