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How Does The Judiciary Work In India?

How Does The Judiciary Work In India?


If you are new to understanding judiciary and law–Well, Joey! This blog will be a good beginning for you.

1. Judiciary or judicial structure is also the justice system or the court system.

Judiciary, indian flag

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2. The Judicial System is made up of judges and other magistrates who make up the judicial system’s bench or heart.

law System

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3. The Court is entitled to decide and enforce the rules and settle conflicts.

The Court law

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4. The Indian Constitution was written on 26 January 1950 and is the world’s largest constitution.

5. The constitution is the root of India’s legislation and indeed India’s supreme law.

The Supreme Court, Judiciary

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6. The Indian judiciary system includes the High Court, Supreme Court, Circuit Court or Subordinate Court.

7. The Supreme Court is the sole Court of appeal under India’s constitution. India’s Chief Justice comprises 30 judges and other advisory judges. When the Supreme Court declares a rule, it is bound by all other Nation Courts and the territories. There are 15 courtrooms in each building.

Supreme Court

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8. High Court: Per state should regard a high court in compliance with India’s constitution. India’s oldest High Court is in Mumbai. There are 94 judges in each High Court. Amongst these, 71 are permanent, 23 are additional. The High Court deals with economic problems and legal documents.

High Court:

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9. District Court: The High Court is subordinated to the district or subordinate tribunals. These are formed based on the district and state population distribution. It deals with the district’s legal and criminal problems. Since there is a higher hierarchical level of District Court, both inferior courts shall be subject to the legislation proclaimed by the District Court.

District Court delhi, Judiciary

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This is how the judiciary works in India. This was just a summary. Keep exploring Desi ChalChitra Law for understanding all that complicated kanoon stuff in the simplest of words and shortest of time!

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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