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Kiwi Facts that will blow your mind off!

Kiwi Facts that will blow your mind off!

Kiwis are one of the most interesting birds of the world who are often called as unusual by scientists. Let’s know why below in several Kiwi Facts!

  1. The first amongst the list of Kiwi Facts have to be around its wings. Kiwis cannot fly but have wings. Their wings are around an inch in size but are next to useless. They are like strands of stiff hair.

2. Kiwis are between the size of 14 to 25 inches. They are like small and cute fur-balls, who are born with hair once their eggs hatch. Also, the chick of a Kiwi kicks to hatch their shell.

3. Kiwis weight between 0.8kg to 5kg. Yes! They are so lightweight that an entire population of Kiwis can be destroyed by a cat or a dog in a few days.

4. The legs of Kiwis are the only muscular feature of this bird, which contributes to most of its entire body-weight.

  1. The most unusual feature of Kiwis is that they have their nostrils at the end of their long beaks, thus, having a great sense of smell. Usually, birds don’t have such quality.

6. Because of their long-beaks, they can easily find their food. They have excellent auditory and vibrotactile sense.

7. Earlier on the verge of extinction due to deforestation, today, Kiwis are mostly threatened due to predation, disappearing at a not-so-normal rate. They are one of the endangered species.

8. Another Kiwi Facts is chicks of Kiwi mostly die as soon as they are born. If the chick survives, then it can go on to live for 20-25 years.

9. Usually a male Kiwi mates with the female one for dozens of years, but a female Kiwi can often leave behind their earlier mate and find a new one.

10. Kiwis are nocturnal birds, who like to stay awake at night and sleep during the mornings. Nonetheless, in the absence of predating mammals, Kiwis are also found to be out, walking, in the morning.

11. Kiwis have enormous eggs, which often are larger and heavier than the Female Kiwis who lay them.

Did you realise that the characteristics of Kiwis are mostly like that of a mammal? This makes it an honorary bird.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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