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Kiwifruit, A Fuzzy Oval-Shaped Gooseberry Of 12th Century

Kiwifruit, A Fuzzy Oval-Shaped Gooseberry Of 12th Century


Kiwifruit is better known as Kiwi and is one of the native fruits of China. Know more about this fruit in the following listicle:

1. The first traces of Kiwifruit are found in the records of the 12th Century of Chinese Dynasty, namely, Song. It is a native Gooseberry of Central and Eastern China.

2. Scientifically, a common type of Kiwifruit which is Fuzzy is known as the Actinidia deliciosa.

Gooseberry of Central and Eastern China

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3. Amongst the 60 Species of Kiwi, there are 3 common varieties: Fuzzy Kiwifruit, Kiwi Berry and Golden Kiwifruit.

  • Fuzzy Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) is brownish and is bright green inside.
  • Kiwi Berry is also known as Baby Kiwi, Cocktail Kiwi Grape Kiwi and Dessert Kiwi. It is similar to the grape in size and has a smooth interior, with lack of fuzziness of the Fuzzy Kiwifruit.
  • The interior part of Golden Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) can vary between green, yellow and red. It is sweeter in flavour than Fuzzy, is much smoother outside with bronze shade.
Actinidia deliciosa

via google

4. It was called the Chinese Gooseberry, but after its commercialisation during the middle-1900s, when it was first cultivated in New Zealand, the fruit received its commercial name, Kiwifruit.

5. Kiwi is a vine fruit which usually can be cultivated in areas which have adequate heat of summers and temperate climates.

6. When ripe, Kiwis can help in dealing with digestion and also used to tenderise meat when poured powder.

7. The outer skin of Kiwi, which has hairy texture, if consumed in excess, it can cause irritation inside the throat.

Actinidia deliciosa

via dogopedia

8. The fruit is used in many dishes. It can also be converted into juices. When peeled, it can also be eaten as a fruit.

Kiwi leaves

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9. Leaves and Branches of a Kiwifruit are used to heal the dogs. They are put in the boiled water to manage them. The stems of this vine fruit are used as a rope in China. Leaves and Bark become the paper, whereas, the pencil can be made letting the bark near the roots roll itself into a form tube by keeping it on the hot ashes.

Kiwifruit juice

via plantvillage

This is the Kiwifruit and all that you need to know about it. Did you ever know there’s so much to it when you ate in your cousin’s marriage?

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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