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Mother India: India Ki Pehli Official Entry To Oscars

Mother India: India Ki Pehli Official Entry To Oscars

Mother India

Mother India is a film every cine enthusiast should watch! It is a timeless and memorable saga.

Mother India is directed by Mehboob Khan, starring Nargis Dutt and Sunil Dutt. One of the majors of Indian Cinema, this movie was released a lot, shaking the nation: right from the prime minister to the consumption of films by the Indian Audience. The film added to the drastic happening and induced the vibe for freedom from the chains of brutality and dictatorship.

Know all about this iconic movie in the following blog:

The Story Of Mother India

  • The plot is presented in the years surrounding the independence of India.
  • Mother India tells you the story of the female protagonist. Despite all the challenges she faces, she raises her two sons to the best of her capacity.
  • However, she sticks to her morals and ethics when she is faced with a situation where she has to take extreme steps against her son, going against him.
Mother India 1957

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The Characters In Mother India

  •  The film is remembered for the role of Radha played by Nargis. She gives an exemplary performance, right from being a newlywed to being a mother. She is bold and breaks all the limitations of a mother.
  • Sunil Dutt, as Birju, plays the youngest role amongst the four brothers. He is charming throughout the film. He performs exceptionally well, especially in scenes where he has to be rebellious and negative.
Radha played by Nargis

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The Direction Of Mother India

  • The film is a remake of a movie by Mehboob Khan. It is inspired by the Hollywood biggie, The Good Earth (1937).
  • Khan is commendable, not letting the attitudes of big actors affect their roles. He deserves due credit for the same.
Mehboob Khan

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The Cinematography Of Mother India

  • Faredoon Irani was responsible for creating the masterpiece we see on the screen.
  • He handled the camera in Khan’s previous film Aurat (1940). He made sets of Kolhapur that looked lively and true.
Faredoon Irani

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Did You Know?

  • Mother India was India’s first official entry for the Oscars.
  • The film is added in “1001 films of the world you must see before you die”!
Nargis Dutt 1957 movie

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Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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