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Mouse: Just One Of The Many Services I Offer

Mouse: Just One Of The Many Services I Offer


Ever thought to talk or read about that Mouse without “whom” a graphic designer can just blow his or her mind up really!

How and why?



Take some time out to read iss chuhe ki khasiyato ke baare mein:


1. The mouse is a pointing input device used in computers mostly. It helps to control the cursor (clicking-arrow that’s visible on the computer screen).


2. It was named “Mouse” as it looks like a chuha, seriously, in its shape. It has an Elliptical Shape. If it does not have a “Mousetail” it is said to be a wireless mouse.


3. The Mouse helps in reducing the usability of the keyboard.


4. Traditional mouse is connected with the computer through cable or cord. There are several mouses available in the market. Nowadays like, wireless mouse and this mouse do not need any wire for future connections.


5. Douglas Engelbart is known as the father of Mouse(Inventor) in the 1960s.


6. Uses of Mouse are-

      Movement of Mouse cursor


      Drag, Editing


      Scroll up and down

      program Execution

      Playing games

      Combinations Activities

      Operate Audios/ Videos


7. Bhin-bhin Purje Mouse Ke:



      Mouse Wheel

      Printed Circuit Board

      Cable/Wireless Receiver




8. Advantages of Mouse:

      Use for desktop computer systems.

      No training is required for using a mouse.

      Movement flexibility.

      Low cost.

      One can operate outdoor and indoor both.


9. Disadvantages of Mouse:

      get damaged easily.

      It is dust sensitive.

      It required a flat surface.

      Palm can get in pain.

      Requires more space for using



Now, you know all about the mouse and how it works smoothly. (Ek dum rapchik)

This point is similar to above points.

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