Narada Muni Cursed By King Daksha Prajapati

Sarthak Mittal
Narada Muni

A Devotee of Lord Vishnu, here’s why Narada Muni is never depicted to be resting or settled at any single place for long:

1. King Daksha’s wife, Asakti, gave birth to 10,000 sons.


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2. But because of Muni, each of their sons walked on the path of Moksha.

3. As none of the King’s sons was left behind for succession, Daksha’s Throne became vacant.

4. Soon after, Daksha married Panchjani, who gave birth to a 1000 sons.

Daksha married Panchjani

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5. Again this time, Narada taught each son the path to attain Moksha. Once again, all of the King’s sons were gone, leaving his Throne empty.

Narada Muni

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6. Daksha then became angry and cursed Narada.

See Also

7. The King cursed that Narada Muni will continue to revolve around the universe without settling anywhere for long.

Narada Muni can be compared with a Bard, who sings and travels around the places, spreading wisdom and carrying messages from one place to another.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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