Pride Flags: flying free!

September 13, 2022

If like Sheldon, you like flags, we have our version of ‘Fun with Flags’ for you! Today we introduce you to the pride flags that are as vibrant as their culture! Let’s dig in!
1) LGBT Pride Flag
- Gilbert Baker created it in 1978 in San Fransisco.
- It originally had eight stripes but, some colours have been taken away.
- It now has six colours, and each has a different meaning.
- Red is for life.
- Orange is for healing.
- Yellow is for sunshine.
- Green means harmony.
- Purple means spirit.

2) Bisexual Pride FlagÂ
- Created by Michael Page in 1998 for increasing bisexual visibility.
- In the flag following colours represent:Â
- Pink stands for same-gender attraction.
- The colour royal blue symbolizes opposite-gender attraction.
- Deep Shade of Lavender is for attraction anywhere along the spectrum.

3) Transgender Pride FlagÂ
- Monica Helms, a transgender woman, designed it.
- The flag was first flown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona, the USA in, 2000.
- Colour representation is as follows-
- Light Blue- for boys
- Pink- for girls
- White- for those who are transitioning or feel have no gender.
- Fun Fact! No matter which direction it is flown, it will be correct!

4) Asexual Pride Flag
- It was created in 2010 to help raise awareness.
- The following colours represent:Â
- Black is for Asexuality.
- Grey is for grey-sexuality or demisexuality.
- White is for sexuality.
- Purple is for the community.

5) Intersex Pride Flag
- It was created in 2009 by Natalie Phox for those born intersexed.
- The lavender in the flag symbolizes spirit.

6) Pansexual Pride Flag
- This flag surfaced on the internet in 2010.
- In this flag, pink and blue stripes on both ends are for gendered persons, and gold stripes represent mixed-gender or genderless.

7) Bigender Flag
- The original design was created in 2014.Â
- Colours in it represent:
- Pink is for females
- Blue is for males
- Lavender/ Purple is for both masculine and feminine
- White means shifting gender.

Our episode of ‘fun with flags’ comes to an end, and all we lack is ‘Footprints on the Moon’. Keep reading and comment down below on any fun facts you would like to share!
Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta
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