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Processual Approach To Entrepreneurship: The Study of People to do Business

Processual Approach To Entrepreneurship: The Study of People to do Business

processual approach to entrepreneurship

Processual Approach To Entrepreneurship or Processualism is the study of Individuals for business. It is one of the schools of Archaeological Philosophy that tries to explain how past humans behaved based on archaeological findings. This makes one wonder how an archaeological school of philosophy is related to something seemingly unrelated: entrepreneurship. If this makes you wonder, then read on below.

1. As mentioned above, Processualism tries to find correlations between archaeological findings and behaviour. It is a sub-discipline under the broad field of Behavioural Archaeology, which aims “to not only study the past but also the present and the future based on careful observations.”

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2. The guiding force behind Processualism is the archaeological inference that an archaeological record is patterned since human behaviour is also so. It is this inference that makes it possible to reconstruct the lives our ancestors lead.

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3. It is, in many ways, similar to Anthropology. Many icons in the field opined that Processual Archaeology and Anthropology shared the same goals, i.e., “to answer questions about humans and society.” “By and by, anthropology will have the choice between being history and being nothing,” said Frederic William Maitland, a leading historian and lawyer.

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4. Colin Renfrew, a British Archaeologist, described Processualism as a convenient tool that has enabled Archaeology “to speak with greater authority and accuracy about the ecology of past societies, their technology, their economic basis, their social organization, their religions, the way they expressed rank, status and group identity.”

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5. Entrepreneurship is the ability to develop and run a business to make a profit. Since people are the ones that run a business, entrepreneurship can also be called a field that deals with people.

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6. Using a processual approach to entrepreneurship enables the entrepreneur to better empathize with their target audience. Having an insight into the history of the customer equips the producer with the general knowledge of how their product will affect the former.

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7. Processual approach to entrepreneurship is suitable for regions with a diverse customer base, for instance, India. Studying about the people can help the company in avoiding the mistakes with potential to ruin their business. Example: hurting the religious sentiments of a community or cultural views of a community.

8. Unlike the Functionalist Approach, the Processual Approach focuses more on the individual than the Institution. It focuses more on the needs of the customer rather than the business itself. Fashion industries usually fall under this category.

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9. Since it focuses directly on the customer, processual entrepreneurship-based businesses are more prone to suffer from social changes and conflicts. This is because people are the direct victims of changes that occur in society.

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All in all, businesses built using this approach are more “customer-friendly” than those using the Functionalist Approach. However, lack of adequate study of the market and the customer base makes Processual businesses more prone to the risk of shutting down.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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