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Born out of Urbanization: Evolution of Restaurants

Born out of Urbanization: Evolution of Restaurants

From “let’s eat outside” to “where to eat outside” the restaurants have come a really long way.


Restaurants are a great place to sit down, while eating and reading the Evolution of Restaurants!

1. Legends say that the idea of a place where people can sit and eat, food is served and cooked, originated from China in the 1100 AD. It was a time when the world was dealing with sudden urbanization and its consequences.

2. Urbanization bought a lot of trade opportunities, thus forcing farmers and peasants to move out of their houses to collect livestock and goods. This led to the development of what we call restaurants as people were now able to travel, eat and rest, while continuing their journey.


via time

3. This culture then travelled to Japan and other parts of the world. Nonetheless, the term restaurant, meaning “to restore oneself”, was first heard in France.

4. Researchers say that the journey of the restaurant started late in 1765 when A. Boulanger, a french soup vendor, opened a business in Paris. In the history of restaurants, France came into prominence after the French revolution.

Paris in 1765

via history

5. It is claimed by some that the first modern-day restaurant named La Grande Taverne de Londres was founded in 1782 in Paris by a leading culinary writer, Antoine B. Beauvilliers.

Grande Taverne de Londres

via cnn

6. In the 19th century, the restaurants made their way to America–precisely New York–when the foundation stone of Delmonico’s was laid in 1827.


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7. A restaurant which has survived terrorist attacks, and has aged like a fine wine is the Leopold Cafe of Mumbai, India has also bagged the title of India’s first restaurant as it has remained in existence since around 1871.

Leopold Cafe of Mumbai

via wikimedia

Leopold Cafe thus is truly a survivor and a go-to place to get that dose of nostalgia, which can shiver one out still.

We love going to restaurants on weekends! What about you?

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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