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Rewind back to school days as you read about Wax Crayons

Rewind back to school days as you read about Wax Crayons

Rewind back to school days as you read about Wax Crayons

Have you ever thought how those cylindrical Wax Crayons, which made us express ourselves on paper all our childhood, empowering us to dream, were ever made?

  1. Though the accurate roots of conventional crayon is unknown, the idea of blending wax and pigment goes back to Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians.

  2. These ancient people used hot beeswax to fix the image on a surface or mix it with a pigment to turn it into a colorful stone.

  3. The crayons which we know today, first came into being in Europe in the early 1800s.

  4. The first shapes of crayons were cylindrical, composed with charcoal and oil.

  5. Conté crayons, developed in Paris, come somewhere in the middle of pastels and crayons.

  6. No one knows when and how, but In 1881, the E. Steiger became the first American Company who made a range of wax crayons.

  7. Cousins Edwin Binny and Harold Smith, when took over Crayola, discovered that their industry pigments can be turned into a wax-pastel.

  8. Once discovered, Crayola Company soon became kid’s favourite brand to buy crayons! The company continues to work even today.

  9. Following are the top-brands of wax crayons:

  • Crayola

  • Faber Castell

  • Doms

  • Camlin

  • Cello

Now when you’ll look at your old drawing-files, doodled and filled with trees, huts, mountains, family, and more, you’ll realise, how a mere blend of paraffin and pigment, turned into a stick, when put on a blank page, can bring back thousands of memories.

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