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Shirt Collar Parameters For Framing Your Shirt’s Neckline Right

Shirt Collar Parameters For Framing Your Shirt’s Neckline Right

Shirt Collar

Thinking about which shirt to give him on his birthday? Uhm, probably you should avoid choosing a shirt with a broader collar spread as it might give him a serious look. Here are some Shirt Collar Parameters that you must look for before picking your new Shirt!

  • Look for Stiffness: How thick or thin the material of your collar is?
  1. In vogue are the thick interline and soft collars.
  2. This style is influenced by the Italian Style and the dressing of the Duke of Windsor.
  3. A mildly stiff shirt collar is a more versatile choice than regular ones.
  • Measure the Height: How high your collar rests on your neck?
  1. Necklines are measured from the collar’s fold down to its tip.
  2. Taller collars are more formal and aggressive.
  3. Brands like Proper Cloth and Eton have tried to produce shirts with taller shirt collars.
  • Collar’s Diameter/Size: Do you know you can balance your face and body proportions with a tint of change based on the collar size?
  1. Larger collar diameters are more suitable to balance out your face-appearance.
  2. Collar styles can directly conform to one’s face shape.
Shirt Collar

via yogonet

  • The Spread Of The Circle
  1. Spread is the distance between the end-points of a shirt collar.
  2. If you have a slim face try a broader shirt collar spread to get a “perfect” look.
Shirt Collar

via scoopwhoop

So, next time you are out shopping for your husband, friend, lover or brother, check out for those above-mentioned parameters, to make them go in awe with your present!

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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