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Staircase: The Step That Literally Took Us To New Heights

Staircase: The Step That Literally Took Us To New Heights

Kali Sharma

Do you know how the staircase came into existence?

What if I told you that our ancestors were true visionaries, who identified a mind-boggling solution to something which can easily promise home to a boosting population!

The solution was simple: Staircase!

1. Staircases are so old that it is practically unknown when they came into existence.


via fodors

2. The oldest version of the staircase can be found in the Cretan Palace of the Knossos & Phaistos that was built around 1500 BC.

3. The most accurate record of the use of the staircase is in 7000 BC in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Egypt and Mesopotamia stairvwell

via akg

4. Soon the wish to climb and reach the skies resulted in the staircases of more new shapes and sizes.

staircase history

via pexels

5. A ladder can be termed as the most simple, raw form of the staircase that eventually got converted into a staircase.

ladder bridge

via pixabay

6. Soon these stones were made smooth for human ease. Eventually, wood was the most common material for constructing staircases in the west.

wood stairwell

via youtube

7. The “never settling” attitude of us soon gave rise to the “moving stairs” or as we call it, escalators.

moving escalators

via pixabay

8. The First escalator was produced and installed by Otis Company in their factory in 1899.

First escalator

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9. It was after 1900 when escalators came into public use, the first one being installed at the Paris exposition.

1900 escalators

via alamy

10. Looking at the filmy aspect, Stairs have also been a thing of Grandeur. The Grumpy father walking aggressively down the stairs has always given goosebumps to the hero. Oof!!

Staircase filmy aspect

via scroll

11. These steps are a vital element of every building in the modern world. In the modern age, where almost everything is electric, the Staircases are still present everywhere in case of emergencies or some action!

modern world stairs

via pixabay

12. Stairs, an engineering wonder, is supposed to be made with proper caution. A minor measurement error can endanger the life of someone in the case of stairs.

Staircases an engineering wonder

via pexels

At last, we can proudly say that for us Indians, stairs have also been a place for hanging out rather than just climbing! Don’t you agree *sniggers*?

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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