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How To Start A Company In India?

How To Start A Company In India?

start a company in India

Done with your life as an employee and wondering how to start a company in India of your own? When it comes to legal stuff, it might seem like a challenge to start a company in India. However, the business and the economy as a whole will profit enormously.

1. Is The Name Of The Company Available? Before thinking about registration, verify if the proposed company name is available. This will be achieved online if candidates can search on the MCA 21 website. Here you can know the availability of business names. The business name chosen will be published on the website once authorized.

start a company in India

via iedunote

2. Purchasing An ID Number Of The Director: DIN is a specific identification number assigned to current or prospective corporate managers. The number is a director identification number. You may get a provisional DIN by filling out the DIN-1 online application form.

company identification number

via belindia

3. Certificate Of Procurement With A Digital Signature: An electronic key provided by a digital signature certificate is used to verify and identify the certificate issuer. This credential can be issued by an approved agency registered with the Ministry. When applying for a Digital Signature Card, the company directors must request an application form, identity certificate and permanent address evidence.

company team

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4. Receipt Of A Certificate Of Incorporation: The Minister of Corporate Affairs shall have an incorporation certificate that shall be seen as evidence of the company’s constitution. The e-Forms 32, 1 and 18 must be filed on the official website of the Ministry of Enterprise, in the digital version for use.

Company analysis

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  1. Creation Of An Official Record Business Seal: For exchanging certificates and other official records, a business seal must be put on papers. The approximate expense of purchasing an official seal depends on the following-
  • amount of terms to be graved
  • the number of seals to be produced
  • the timeframe within which the seals are sent.

6. Fulfilling the Registration of the National Employee Fund: Each employer must give the local employee fund organization his/her records (EPFO). This must be carried out as required so that the company may be assigned an Establishment Code Number (ECN). This procedure falls under the direct responsibility of the boss. The workers do not have to make different applications. Note that this would only be necessary if it is in compliance with the terms of the Employees’ Provident Fund and the 1952 Single Provision Act.

To start a company in India might seem like a lot of work. But where there’s a will, there’s the way! So, go for it!

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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