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The history of Pride parades in India

The history of Pride parades in India

The word ‘pride’ aims to honor the struggle, beauty, and dignity of belonging to the queer community. “Pride” stands for celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Were you aware of the pride parades? Keep on reading to find out more about the history of pride parades in India.

  1. Over 500 people – drag queens, butch lesbians, transgender individuals, gay men, homeless youth – rioted in the Stonewall Inn early on the morning of June 28th, 1969. The police were harassing and beating up bar patrons.

  2. A year later, on June 28th, 1970, the world’s first Pride Parade took place in New York City. The march was called the Christopher Street Liberation Day March – named for the street where Stonewall was.

  3. The Pride parades came into existence in the early years of 1970. However, India witnessed its first Pride parade in 1999.

  4. The first Pride Parade in India took place in Kolkata on July 2nd, 1999, called the Kolkata Rainbow Pride Walk.

  5. There were only 15 participants, none of which were women.

  6. The march was also known as the Friendship Walk.

  7. The march took place in Kolkata due to its rich history and close connection to different human rights movements, including feminist, Dalit, disabled and, child rights.

  8. In 2014, Guwahati, Assam, held the first pride parade in the North East. Afterward, it has always taken place in the first week of February.

  9. The Rainbow Pride Walk in 1999 took place in Kolkata 20 years ago. Since then, there have been Pride Parades in more than 21 Indian cities.

Tell us if you have ever been part of a Pride parade and how you felt about it. If you have ever been to a pride parade, then in which city? 

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