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Toothpicks: Saving Your Teeth Since The Times Of Neanderthals

Toothpicks: Saving Your Teeth Since The Times Of Neanderthals

Toothpicks have remained a saviour of your teeth since the times of Neanderthals. Nothing can be more irritating than having a piece of food stuck in our teeth. As the pea under the princess’s bedding limited her from relishing a night’s sleep, so a tiny seed between teeth can deny the diner much-anticipated postprandial calm and comfort.

1. Fossil data of ancient skulls, for instance, implies that early Neanderthals used tools to pick their teeth.

2. In the arrival of the Metal age, carrying a gold or silver toothpick in a fancy box became a way for privileged Europeans to distinguish themselves from commoners.

3. Queen Elizabeth once got six gold toothpicks as a present and would often showcase them.

4. The Romans came up with a method of pulling bird feathers, chopping off the quill, and sharpening the tip.

5. The 17th-century trends of European society gave rise to very expensive gem-encrusted metal toothpicks. It followed with more easily manufactured porcupine quills and simple wooden sticks.

6. An American inventor Charles Forster introduced us to the modern version of a toothpick, who built a market for disposable toothpicks by having Harvard students eat at local restaurants, then loudly demand a toothpick after finishing their meals.

7. Well, from 19th-century toothpicks are not just for picking teeth yet proved capable of pinning down overstuffed deli sandwiches, cleaning dirt from under fingernails, and even picking locks.

Thanks to the little toothpick that take care of our oral hygienic after every meal. Using toothpicks have become somewhat of a ritual.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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