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Knock, Knock!! Different Types Of Houses Are Here For You

Knock, Knock!! Different Types Of Houses Are Here For You

types of houses

When picking from types of houses, one dreams of their dream abode in a peaceful region, with all the personally desired facilities.  Are you aware of all the main types of houses that exist in the world? No? It’s okay!

Scroll down from your screen staircase to find out the 11 different types of houses.

Bungalow: a single-story house and a sloped roof with wide verandas.

types of houses

via archplanest

Apartment: a building that has a collection of similar units.


via call2view

Hut: one room simply constructed dwelling.


via wikipedia

Cottage: a fuzzy, warm house with thick walls and thatched roofs.

Condo: very similar to apartments, except these are privately owned.

Condo, types of houses

via apartmentlist

Ranch: a rectangular, single-story house with western or low-pitched roots and found in house ranches.


via finelinehouse

Split-Level: have two equal sections on two different levels, with a short stairway in the corridor connecting them built during the 1960-70s.


via wiki

Farmhouse: a residence based on the farm in rural locations with large structures.


via wiki

Townhouse: usually a tall and narrow house that is joined on either side by the other townhouse.


via themotleyfool

Houseboat: a floating residence of the body of water.


via britannica

Chalet: mountain homes with steep pitch roofs, which overhang the walls of the building.

types of houses, Chalet

via pinterest

So, these are the 11 different types of houses. Hope you found your dream house-type here as Home Sweet Home is what we all desire in the end.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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