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Viju Kothe: Actor behind the Character Kalia

Viju Kothe: Actor behind the Character Kalia

Galti se mistake hogai” has become such a common expression today that the youth of India remains unaware of the fact that from where this dialogue has actually originated from?


Viju Kothe was the one who gave Indian Cinema this insanely famous dialogue which has become an undeniable part of our lingo!

Know more about the person who made the characters like Kalia memorable for us.

1. With the steadfast record of 440 film projects in Hindi and Marathi Cinema, Viju Bholanath Kothe was the character Kalia in the movie Sholay.

2. He received his school education from St Sebastian’s Goan High School in Mumbai.

3. Also, Shubha Khote Balsavar, the national swimmer, cyclist, and later, a famous actress was Viju Kothe’s sister.

4. Their father, Nandu Khote, was a stage actor in silent films

5. He produced Viju’s first movie, Ya Malak.

6. On television, he is renowned for his role in Zabaan Sambhalke.

7. He also acted in Marathi theatre for several years.

8. At the age of 77, he was suffering from multiple diseases.

Viju Kothe

via yahoonews

A veteran actor whose name will remain an integral part of the Golden Indian Cinema for ages to come. Viju Khote left the stage in September 2019 due to organ failure.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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