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What Is Immunisation?

What Is Immunisation?

Does your baby got knot in leg after vaccine? Vaccines are usually administered through an injection into a muscle. Under the age of two, the anterior thigh is the most common site. Two to three days after the injury, a lump or knot may form within the muscle. Unless massaged, it is not painful and disappears unnoticed. There is no redness or swelling. Clinically, this reaction is common after receiving DTaP or PCV vaccines. Usually, it resolves on its own within a few weeks, but it can last for months. Massaging the “lump” and applying a warm compress will help it resolve more quickly.

  • Infants and toddlers may experience mild side effects associated with vaccines as the immune system is boosted. 
  • Live vaccines typically cause reactions that resolve after 24-48 hours, except for those involving severe reactions.
  • Temperature greater than 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Slight fussiness.
  • Sleeping for longer periods.
  • Injection site pain
a baby

via: Babycenter

  • Since both vaccines are live, the reactions following treatment differ. They also go into the subcutaneous fat instead of the muscle.
  • In some cases, the VAR vaccine can cause a mild chicken pox-like rash. However, your child shouldn’t be bothered by this.
  • A fever, vomiting, or diarrhoea can occur after receiving an oral live rotavirus vaccine. If vomiting occurs during vaccination, the dose does not need to be re-administered.
  • Researchers have found a slight increase in intussusception—a bowel obstruction—within a week after the first or second dose of the rotavirus vaccine.
  • Warm compresses and massages can be helpful if there is tenderness at the site of vaccination. There should be some relief of symptoms after using these remedies. If not, you should consult your doctor.

Vaccinations protect us from many infectious diseases, but, just like any medication, they can produce side effects. Depending on the vaccine, these side effects can affect one to ten of every 100 people who are vaccinated. Usually, they last a couple of days.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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