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Shiva As Yatinath, Incarnated To Test A Devotion Of A Couple

Shiva As Yatinath, Incarnated To Test A Devotion Of A Couple

Sarthak Mittal

We find the story of Yatinath in the pages of sacred Puranas.

1. According to the Puranas, there was once a tribal man named Aahuk who lived on the Arbudachal mountain.

2. He and his wife, Aahuka, were the supreme devotees of Lord Shiva.

Shiv Linga

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3. Once, Lord Shiva, in a desire to test their devotion, appeared before them in the form of a hermit, Yatinath.

4. Aahuk welcomed, honoured, and took good care of the guest. Yatinath then requested Aahuk if he could provide him with shelter for the whole night.

village, village at night

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5. Aahuk expressed his inability to do as he had a small hut. He explained that only two people could sleep at a time in the house, but Aahuka interfered. She requested Aahuk to sleep outside their hut along with his arms.

6. Aahuk agreed and slept outside, while Aahuka and hermit slept inside the hut, thus, proving their devotion.

7. But Aahuk was killed by the wild animals while he was asleep. In the morning, when Shiva found that Aahuk had died, his heart was filled with sadness.


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8. After seeing this, Aahuk’s wife decided to kill herself, but Lord Shiva stopped her and appeared in his real form in front of her.

9. He blessed Aahuka that she and her husband will be reborn as Nala and Damyanti. Shiva promises that He will unite them again in the form of a Swan.


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It was after this that Lord Shiva settled there in the form of Achaleshwar Shivalinga.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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