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Didi Par Smoking Inside A Car With Hubby Is Not Punishable!

Didi Par Smoking Inside A Car With Hubby Is Not Punishable!

smoking inside a car

Habits are okay but smoking inside a car may be harmful to more than just your health: it may also impair your driving. Now, you would say, “But the heading says otherwise…right?” Well

UPSC clear kara ho aapne yaa nahi, husband ke saath car mein smoke karne se pehle, read the following blog about “Is smoking inside a car punishable in India?”.

smoking inside a car

via fox8

Is Smoking Inside A Car Illegal?

  • Contrary to popular belief, it is not illegal to smoke and drive. 
  • It is not an exclusive offence in the Highway Code to smoke while driving in a car. It is solely used for personal uses, just like a specific offence to turn a CD, read a map or feed.
  • When associated with poor driving (say, if it results in an accident), either of these actions may lead to charges of reckless driving or inability to control the vehicle.
  • They can also be used to demonstrate reckless driving (as it is a crime) that can result in jail time–specifically if dangerous driving results in death! Smoking kare but saste Solman Bhai naa bane…

What About Smoking Inside Corporate Cars?

Business vehicles in England are expected to be smoke-free at all times, whether the car is:

  • used to carry members of the public
  • used by more than one participant in the process of paying or volunteer jobs (regardless, if they are in the car or not).
  • Smoking is illegal in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in any vehicle used for work (unless it is a motorcycle).
smoking law

via carsguide

Is It Against The Law To Smoke In A Vehicle With Children?

The Children and Families Act of 2015 made it illegal to smoke in a car with children. The statute expressly notes that smoking in car is unconstitutional when:

  • anyone under the age of 18 is present in a private car
  • fail to keep a minor under the age of 18 from smoking inside a car.

So, next time your partner stops you from smoking inside a car, thank them (seriously). Baaki atma-nirbhar bane, and if you are smoking inside a car, do it with care.

Blog Edited By Ritika Gupta

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