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Reversible Lane- The Cooperative Vehicle System

Reversible Lane- The Cooperative Vehicle System


Reversible Lane is a cooperative vehicle system, unlike humans. At last, when roads can cooperate with each other, why can’t we? Let’s know about this vehicle system below:

  1. A reversible lane is one where traffic may flow either way, depending on the circumstances. Typically, it is intended to enhance traffic flow during peak hours. This is done by indicating which lanes are available or blocked to driving or turning using overhead traffic lights and LED street signs.

  2. Reversible lanes are also frequent in tunnels, bridges and adjacent highways — even if the reversible lanes are constantly changed to manage typical traffic flow variations. Lane controls enable authorities to close or reverse lanes in exceptional circumstances (such as construction or a traffic accident) to ensure orderly traffic flow.

  3. Some more contemporary reversible lane systems employ a moveable barrier to provide a physical distinction between authorised and prohibited travel lanes. During low-traffic hours, a concrete barricade is shifted in some places to swap a centre lane from one side of the road to the other.

  4. Most metropolitan highways have separate carriageways and linked ramps, called “express lanes”. During non-rush hours, traffic flows in one direction (or not at all) in this format; the carriageways are not “divided” into two-lane highways.

  5. This type of fast lane often has fewer interchanges than major lanes, and many express lanes only have onramps for inbound traffic and offramps for outgoing traffic.

  6. The phrase “suicide lane” has also been used to describe a lane in the middle of a highway. It allows traffic to pass in both directions. Both directions use it for passing, yet neither has the right-of-way. A comparable arrangement has three lanes, two in one way and one in the other. But traffic in the one-lane direction crosses the centerline to pass.

  7. A “two-way left-turn lane” (TWLT) or “centre left-turn lane” (for nations that drive on the right) “centre turn lane” or “median turn lane” is a single lane in the middle of the road. In it, traffic from both directions pulls to make a left turn.

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  8. These roads are relatively popular in suburban regions and less common in rural areas in the United States. They are widespread near developed communities along Interstate Highway bypasses. Roadways were split before the median was eliminated or replaced by the turn lane. The centre lane offers less disruption to traffic flow, so many four-lane roads with a centre double yellow line are being phased out for three- and five-lane streets with centre turn lanes. Other changes include downgrading four-lane undivided to three-lane streets with a turn-only middle lane for routes with moderate traffic.

  9. Emergency vehicles such as police cars, ambulances, and fire engines can utilize this middle lane to avoid traffic in both directions.

Drivers are not permitted to overtake slow-moving cars in the middle lane of such a roadway (unless financial or space restrictions necessitate its usage as a rush hour).

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